Just for once I would like to see an Internet bandwagon I could jump on, but apparently those are reserved for people without lives.
Internet bandwagon hit forums and completely screw them up. First one user changes his name, then another user joins in, and soon enough, every member of a forum is doing this terrible, Terrible thing. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged, or if it is, kept in the confines of one topic, and not become a forum wide phenomenon, so that us normal people can go on and live our lives without the annoying nerd popping up every five seconds to call himself a made up word.
Let me give you an example of this phenomenon. Have any of you heard of Touhou? Yes? OK. How many of you out there know what Touhou really is? None? Good, my readers have a life. This "Game" has hit the KRR forums like the black plague. It started when Dr. NK changed his name to Cirno, a level 2 boss from Touhou's "Scarlet Devil" game thing and a JOKE character. Then came Disaster, a forum staff member, changing his name to Suwako, then Mico to blah blah blah.
First of all, If you do something like this people like me are going to hate you for it. I will not complain about it in the forums because I am a relatively nice guy, I am mentioning it here because this is my site. Don't like it, leave. I hate how you nerds think that we normal people are stupid for not being able to recite every Japanese anime alphabetically. You judge I.Q. by how much someone knows about the world of the Internet, manga, and anime. Well I only heard of Naruto like a year ago, so by your standards, I'm a drool monkey. I would rather be stupid and have a life than be a genius shut-in who is thirty four and lives with his mum.
If I ever say the words I, want, Internet, and bandwagon in the same sentence again, call the hospital, I'm terminally ill.