Friday, October 3, 2008

gimmicks: Irked

Yeah yeah, I havent posted for 3 months. Truth is, if your purpose in life is reading my blog in hopes I will say something you will relate to, I don't know whether to be honored or disgusted. I post whenever the hell I feel like it so get off my back.

Now, Nintendo has made millions on games and, lets face it, what game for the wii (or any nintendo system) isnt gimmickey. a gimmick is something used by game companies to make their games stand out from everyone else. Lets face it, everybody is makeing gimmickey games because they print money.

My first example is guitar hero. Guitar hero is a huge gimmick playing on the unending want for popularity as you live out your false dream of being a rock god. First of all, you need to understand that i have nothing against Guitar hero personally, its rythm games in general. Why? Because I suck and find them pointless. but Guitar hero is better because I can actually bludgeon my opponent over the head when I lose because I have better things to do than mash buttons and play a strum bar in a pathetic attempt to re-create a guitar handling experience. Don't get me wrong, I give the game points for thinking of an origional idea like a game where you play the guitar, I just don't like it when i get completly humiliated because I can't beat "schools out" on easy. This also goes for Rockband, Boogie, DDR,and Samba de Amigo.

My next example is The Wii itself. Its a big gimmick (now don't get me wrong, I am a Nintendo fan to the end, (kirby for the win))but unlike most of the gimmicks out there its pulled of fairly well. Sure, Nintendo's main franchises attempt at the motion controles are no super steller sellers, (say that three times fast) But at least they are trying something new instead of re-gurgitating the old "press this button to do this" gameplay(and yeah I saw E3 but who gives a flying crapload, everybody sucked). I find it oddly satisfying to pick up an enemie in Wario Land Shake and shake the living daylights out of it. A change of pace for this parade of gimmicks was Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Now I know you are thinking "Cloudkirby, brawl was gimmickey to." Well let me stop you right now and say that you are an ignorant boob who deserves to be bludgeoned over the head with my Guitar hero controller. True, brawl had gimmicks, but what makes this different (and this makes the game different from others so you could consider it a gimmick as well) is that you can turn the gimmicks off in this game. You could adjust how gimmickey your game experience was, from super gimmickey, not gimmickey, and everywhere in between.

My final say on the subject, gimmicks arent bad, but only if they are used in the right way.
That and I hate any and all rythm games.

I have to go, my stubs are sore from typing.